IAML (Australia) Executive are aware that many of our members are working hard to undertake contingency planning and implementation in response to the Covid19 pandemic. Whether in schools, universities, special or public libraries we are all feeling the impact. If you would like advice please do not hesitate to contact us via http://www.iamlaustralia.org.au/contact/
The following links may assist you in your planning for action around your library.
- Australian Library and Information Association – ALIA – Covid19 response including some excellent resources – https://www.alia.org.au/australian-libraries-responding-covid-19
- American Library Association – Covid 19 Pandemic Preparedness website also provides some useful and practical information: http://www.ala.org/tools/atoz/pandemic-preparedness
To keep abreast of government advice the following sites are useful as well as your local state government health advice webpages.
- DHHS COVID-19 self-assessment guidance
- Australian Government Department of Health
- Department of Home Affairs
- Smartraveller
There are also some wonderfully generous organisations across the world offering the joy and wonders of music to us free and streaming, to assist us in our day to day lives during these uncertain times. A very small selection:
- Melbourne Symphony Orchestra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWC3rUkPeaV2B2r_bwwgnNw
- Metropolitan Opera New York: https://www.metopera.org/season/radio/free-live-audio-streams/
- Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall: Free for 30 days. Just copy & paste the code BERLINPHIL at https://www.digitalconcerthall.com/tickets
- Streaming concerts from the US: https://www.classicalmusiccommunications.com/cmc-coverage/2020/3/13/new-live-streamed-concert-database