National Library Summer Scholarships closing September 30 2016

The National Library of Australia offers four Summer Scholarships for PhD students in Australian history and culture, literature and biography. The six week scholarships provide intensive access to the Library’s collections in a supportive research environment and includes accommodation at University House, domestic travel to Canberra and a weekly honorarium of $300. More details are…

2016 Conference workshop – Basic Salvage Techniques of Library Collections

At the 2015 IAML Australia conference a need was expressed for the next conference to discuss practical knowledge and offer guidance relating to disaster management for librarians. Unfortunately, some of our members have had first hand experience with disaster situations, while others have had none and wondered, what would I do? Based on this feedback,…

Keynote speaker announcement! Professor Peter Roennfeldt #iamlbris16

IAML Australia is pleased to announce Professor Peter Roennfeldt will be joining us at our 2016 conference in Brisbane as a Keynote speaker. Professor Roennfeldt’s contribution to the Queensland music eco-system makes him an ideal choice to speak on the theme Local History, Local Music. Professor Roennfeldt will draw upon several decades of experience in researching…