Prof. Peter Roennfeldt – QCRC Professorial Lecture 2017

Music history researcher Professor Peter Roennfeldt presented the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre’s Professorial Lecture for 2017 in August. The lecture covers Peter’s long history of music research and his discoveries. Peter lavishes praise on Libraries and IAML Australia Music Librarians (Laurel Dingle SLQ, Evelyn Kruger) throughout his lecture. You might also remember that Peter was a…

Music and Iconography Symposium

Live in Melbourne or going there at the end of October? Then look out for: Music and Iconography Symposium 27 October 2017 University of Melbourne To register and for information: A free one-day symposium on Music and Iconography to co-incide with the visit to Australia of Professor Antonio Baldassarre,  School of Music, Lucerne University and President of…

Success – Canberra Conference

This years IAML Australia Canberra conference was a huge success.  If you missed it look out for forth coming updates and look through the available photos. If you were there and have photos to share send them to Ryan at or upload to IAML Australia’s Facebook site. Canberra conference 2017 photos

Register now!!! Canberra 2017

Registrations for IAML Australia’s Canberra 2017 conference close this Thursday 21st September!!! Get you registrations in today, here: Discover more about the conference program here:

Canberra Conference Dinner!

Get your ticket to the IAML Australia Canberra Conference dinner now! How? Register for the conference today here: Conference dinner details Banquet style meal including: Breads, Entree, Salads & Pizza, as well as drinks for the table. Cost: $45.00 Conference dinner to be held at Guild restaurant which is located in the heart of Canberra…

Tour the National Library of Australia

Register to attend IAML Australia’s annual conference today so you can have an in-depth “behind the scenes” tour of the National Library of Australia and its music, oral history and manuscript collections. On day 2 of the conference there will also be tours of the National Film and Sound Archive as well as the ANU School…

Keynote – Dr Matt Finch

At this year’s IAML Australia Canberra conference we have Dr Matt Finch as one of our keynote speakers. Matt Finch writes, designs events, and works on strategy for businesses, communities, and public institutions including universities, galleries, museums, and healthcare providers. His work for libraries has included collection development, strategic planning, play-based programming in physical and…

President’s report – IAML Riga 18-22 June 2017

IAML Riga IAML Riga took place between 18th and 22nd of June 2017 at the National Library of Latvia.   Australia was represented by: Anna J. Shelmerdine (Australian Institute of Music) Alex Palmer (Australian Brandenburg Orchestra) Denise Tobin (University of Adelaide) and partner Mary O’Meara (retired, previously University of Queensland) and partner Dr Samantha Bennett…