RIPM – free until May 31, 2020

The RIPM Center is closed, and perhaps like us, you are working at home on your computer. To assist you with your music research during this unsettling time of COVID-19, RIPM will make all of its databases available to qualified non-subscribing universities, colleges and conservatories until at least May 31. Once registered, all RIPM resources will be accessible for unlimited use by your institution’s authorized users, both within your institution and via remote access.

In total, the following RIPM electronic resources provide access to 518 rare music periodicals and to some 1.44 million full-text pages (see and for additional information).

RIPM Jazz Periodicals

RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals

RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text

To librarians at universities, colleges and conservatories: to gain access to RIPM’s databases within your institution and via remote access, please email  or complete the trial form on (for RIPM Jazz Periodicals) or (for all other resources). Individuals interested in these resources should contact their librarian to request library access.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Best regards,

Benjamin Knysak

Managing Associate Director
RIPM: Répertoire international de la presse musicale
Baltimore, Maryland

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